Module 7
How Advocates Can Support Sexual Assault Victims During Every Stage of the Criminal Justice System Process

Making the Decision to Report

Deciding whether to report a sexual assault to law enforcement is a heavy decision for sexual assault victims to make. Some will make this decision in the moments after a sexual assault while others will still be weighing the decision months—or even years—later. Many will be traumatized by their victimization. Some may have already sought counseling and/or treatment while others may not have. Some may have had negative experiences with law enforcement or the judicial system in the past.  

Information and Expectations: As a victim advocate whose client seeks advice in deciding whether to report their sexual assault to law enforcement, the most important thing an advocate can do is be informed. For many sexual assault victims the unknown aspects of what it will be like to navigate the criminal justice system may be holding back their report. Managing expectations about how the criminal justice system can and cannot respond will help victims make the decision best for them.

Reporting Options: Victim advocates should be aware of the reporting options that exist in their state/locality. For example, as explained in Module 2, some jurisdictions permit anonymous reporting or use of a pseudonym. Advocates can explain these options to victims to assist in their decision-making process.

Safety Planning: Advocates can help victims develop a safety plan while deciding whether to report. For example, victims living with their perpetrator may fear an escalation in violence as retaliation for reporting violence to law enforcement. Advocates can help victims plan for their safety in advance.

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