Module 7
How Advocates Can Support Sexual Assault Victims During Every Stage of the Criminal Justice System Process

Making a Police Report

Victims who choose to report a sexual assault to law enforcement may want a victim advocate with whom they have formed a rapport to accompany them to make the report. In order for law enforcement to take a complete and accurate report, the victim will need to provide at least a brief narrative of the offense.  

Victim advocates can support victims as they make a police report by:

  • Being aware of the reporting options in the state/county/town where the report will be made and helping the victim understand those options. Advocates can ensure the options are made available to the victim. Refer to Module 2 and your agency’s state-specific supplemental guide for an explanation of reporting options.
  • Being physically present. Physical presence may be all the comfort and support a victim needs.  
  • Ensuring language or any other accessibility needs are met. Module 6 discussed accessibility needs and accommodations and Module 10 provides an overview of rights to language interpretation services and an explanation of qualified interpretation. 
  • Gauging whether the victim may need to take a break. Request a break, some water or tissues, or to step outside for a moment.
  • Getting information the victim will need for follow up, including the name and badge number of the officer who took the report, the report number, and a copy of the report.  
  • Helping the victim review the report for accuracy. If any statements contained in the report that are attributed to the victim are inaccurate, assist the victim in making law enforcement, particularly the officer who prepared the report and/or their supervisor, aware of the inaccuracy as soon as possible.


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